Arguably the best performance was made by Mandy Dassa, taking on multiple characters called to the stand to make witness statements. She offered a high degree of variation and a completely out of left-field performance that really invigorated the crowd.
Voice Mag
Mandy Dassa gives an award-winning, stand-out performance . even with few lines, her silence is supremely telling, her expressive face and eyes speak volumes. Dame Judi Dench could not play this part better.
Mandy Dassa is very funny but also deeply poignant as Mari's downtrodden, monosyllabic sidekick
What’s On Stage
Ridiculously loud and obnoxiously funny...an absolute triumph
Three Weeks
Mandy Dassa is very funny and also deeply poignant in little voice.
Mandy Dassa is wonderful
The Stage
Standing out in every role she plays
Remote Goat
Mandy is an absolute power house on stage. Extremely strong stage presence and very alive! She has near the edge material which she delivers in style.
Creative Calves Comedy Club
Mandy Dassa is impressively versatile as three different witnesses in the trial (Violet’s statement is out of the blue and very, very funny)
My Theatre Mates